Company Needs Misery

ramblings of a beast

When it rains it pours…

Posted on | July 24, 2010 | Comments Off

But it wasn’t raining. Rain would be nice as it would lower the temperature a bit and make the day more bearable. The guys from the A/C company had come and had bad news involving short circuits and circuit breakers tripping and potential fire hazards and $3500 replacements. Another guy was on the way with a new compressor unit thingy whatever, but he was stuck in traffic…and had been for well over an hour. It seemed to be getting hotter and hotter and unless sitting directly in front of the Vornado, one could not say it was anywhere near comfortable in the house. If anyone had any brains at all they’d be at the pool, but for some reason everyone wanted to stay for the arrival of the new A/C like it was some epic event. She really wondered if she wasn’t the only loony one in the house after all.

And to top off matters when she went hunting for an extension cord in the foyer closet, the bar and all the coats hanging on it collapsed onto her. Nothing like being attacked by a bunch of winter coats during the middle of a heat wave when one has neck pain. This would really be a good time to sink into the pool…and stay at the bottom. (Relax, there’s a lifeguard even if she attempted such a horrid thing.)

The A/C guys were now lost…figures. But at least they’d made contact. Now if she could just have dinner magically appear, her pain meds actually work, and some world peace thrown in. . .


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