Company Needs Misery

ramblings of a beast


Posted on | July 24, 2010 | Comments Off

The moisture on her body was a reminder that the air conditioner that she’d grown so used to was now most definitely not working and the temperature in the house was getting closer to meeting that of outside the house, a record breaking high 90 something that “felt like” 100 something with the humidity. She “felt like” she was in a terrarium as the sun beat down on her from the skylight, the same skylight she stared out during the winter, begging the trees to grow leaves and bring life to the world surrounding her.

Nothing like some heat to add to her pain and the myriad of other complaints in her life. Oh she had so much to be grateful for she knew, but she still hurt and she still was nuts. Now where the heck was the A/C guy? And why did the air have to go out on a weekend when the price would be higher?

She thought a lot about how much easier it would be to get lost in a story, but she hadn’t had the time. So many people in the house, so much chaos. So much pain. She hated how it interfered with everything, like a true source of evil trying to invade your soul. It takes away the ability to enjoy anything, and the timing of this was the worst. She needed to be present, not trying to just get by. It made her angry. It made her think of why she was like this. It made her wish things were different even though she knew no matter how much she wished nothing would be different come morning.

This was it. Deal.

Where. The. Hell. Was. The. A/C. Guy???


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P.S. In order to enjoy the full progression of the writing, you may wish to start at the beginning of my ramblings.

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