Company Needs Misery

ramblings of a beast

“Where the Woodbine Twines” by Sherry Austin

Posted on | May 8, 2010 | Comments Off

Ok so I wasn’t feeling so great yesterday and needed to go somewhere else. A book is always my best escape and did I pick a good one. Have you ever thought you recognized someone from your past? Well that’s how this book begins, and we are then transported back to the childhood of the storyteller and her attempts at friendship with a girl who was “different” for lack of a better word. Difficult might have been more appropriate. Where the Woodbine Twines: A Novel by Sherry Austin is a small book, but don’t let the size fool you.  Every needed detail is there to keep you captivated and turning pages to see what happens next. The story covers all ranges of emotions, educates with some history, takes us back to our own childhoods and of course keeps you wondering the entire time, “how is this going to end?” 

This was my first novel by this author and I’ve already ordered her other two. Please click on the link above to go directly to Sherry Austin’s website where you can read reviews and purchase autographed copies of all of her books.


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