Company Needs Misery

ramblings of a beast

Tree Envy

Posted on | May 2, 2010 | Comments Off

She understood when they had to take her tree out due to its “naughty roots” tearing up the driveway that she wouldn’t get a full size tree to replace it. But this “stick” of a tree was really just depressing. It did offer enough shade for a squirrel or other small rodent to hide in during certain times of day, so it wasn’t entirely useless, but gone were the days of having a cool car in the driveway, protected by massive branches of its predecessor. (Also gone were the bird droppings of large quantity so perhaps that was a plus.)  This particular tree did have a nice mound of mulch around it so she could plant some pretty flowers should she choose to do so, but this would take effort and without the protective shade, they would have to be sturdy in the sun. She just missed the big tree that was there, the one she could see from the second story window. The one with beautiful green leaves.  This tree had rich red leaves after flowering early spring which was nice, but short lived. It just kind of screamed “I’m an out of place stick” and that was that.

She looked at the base of the neighbor’s old tree and she had tree envy. Real, honest to goodness tree envy. Size did matter. His had girth. Hers did not. His had shade and green leaves and … this was so sad. It just wasn’t fair. Is this what men went through in bathrooms as they stood at the urinals?


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