Company Needs Misery

ramblings of a beast

Tile on the walls

Posted on | May 4, 2010 | Comments Off

The sky was the most brilliant blue and the clouds were a puffy white. They were moving rather quickly, as could be seen through the skylight, passing above the branches of the trees and the bright green leaves like something in a time lapse photography movie in school. She wondered if it would be difficult to snowboard on clouds moving so quickly.

Something felt different about the house this morning, and a knock at the door startled her into a heart palpitating panic. She threw on a robe (or dressing gown as the English called it) and opened the front door. A taxi was waiting outside and a note was pinned to the door. She grabbed the note which read:

Please come see me immediately. Leave as soon as the taxi arrives. ~Mulysa

She figured this must be important and she grabbed her purse and out the door she went. 

The taxi driver was a soft spoken older gentleman who immediately commented on her blue fuzzy slippers. His daughter had a pair just like them and it reminded him that he needed to call her. He knew already where he was taking her, and he had a very kind manner as he shared stories about his family along the drive.

When they arrived at the iron gates she got out her purse to pay but he waved her off saying it had already been taken care of. She tried to at least tip him and he said that her company alone was plenty and wished her well. He got out and opened the door for her, took her hand in his and told her to believe in herself and she would be fine in life…and with that he was gone.

She walked along the paths with the flowers and the bird baths. She sat on a bench for a moment and looked up at the windows. The sun was shining and the clouds were still moving quite quickly. . .

The old Security Guard who had once come out to see her before had been replaced by another equally old Security Guard who also came out to see if she needed assistance. She told him that she’d received an urgent message from Mulysa, a patient here, and he asked her to step inside while he checked the computer. She was actually surprised they even had a computer. By the looks of the ivy crawling up the beautiful old brick and other architecturally interesting features, this building was quite old and one might suspect technology hadn’t entered this world. 

She did notice one thing as she peered down the hallway through a locked windowed door. All the walls were tiled. It was so…medical…or something.  She imagined there must be good reason, and dreaded what those reasons could be. It certainly didn’t give off a homey feel.

The Security Guard was having trouble finding the name and she was getting anxious waiting in this increasingly uncomfortable building. The beauty on the outside was not matched on the inside, that was for sure.

“Miss, you say she sent you an urgent letter to come here now? And had a taxi sent for you?” 

“Yes, she did. I wouldn’t have come dressed this way if it wasn’t urgent” she said fidgeting in her robe and trying to hide her blue fuzzy slippers away from his view.

“Well Miss, we haven’t had anyone by that name in over 30 years. I remember that little girl too. She was untreatable. She never could have sent you  a message like that”

“I see. Thank you for your time.  If you could call me another cab, I best be going. This must have been a gag played on me by a friend and I’m sorry to have wasted your time. I’m going to go sit on one of the benches and wait.”

“OK Miss. Some friends you got.”

She went outside and sat down on one of the benches, happy to get outside and away from the tile walls she hoped she’d never have to see up close. She bent down to pick up a stone from the ground that had sparkled and caught her attention when she heard Mulysa speak.

“Thank you for coming” Mulysa said in her sweet little girl voice.

“Um, yeah, no problem. You do realize you are really close to making me a patient here?”

“I have a message for you, but time is running short and I must go. You’ll have to come back another day. I’ll send another note”

And with that, she was gone. . .


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