Company Needs Misery

ramblings of a beast

The Dog (pt 5)

Posted on | May 2, 2010 | Comments Off

She woke up to a lick across the face and the words “I have to go out” running through her head. She tried to bury herself under the covers then realized there was a rather large furry animal burrowing under the covers with her now trying to get his nose up under her shirt.

“Hey! Off limits you!” she half yelled, half whined as she wiped the sleep from her eyes and realized the message was Doone’s request to be let out.

She sort of fell out of bed and begrudgingly walked downstairs to let Doone out to do his business. She really wished this dog could do these things for himself, or at the very least would get on her schedule. She never considered herself much of a morning person.

Doone came back inside with his big grin and went to his water bowl for a slurp. He then looked up at her standing there in her tank top and pajama bottoms and sent a mental message that almost got him shoved back out the door. She made a note to herself to have a robe handy at all times.

She decided to make them both some scrambled eggs and to this Doone seemed quite pleased. Later, he enjoyed watching her do her wii fit workout, his head on his paws watching her every move.  She made another mental note: leave dog locked upstairs when doing workout. Afterward, she even took him for a walk around the neighborhood just to be a proper pet owner.

She was getting more comfortable having Doone around, but something else was still bothering her. She still had some strange anxiety that somehow seemed different than usual. She wasn’t quite sure what to do with herself for the rest of her day. Maybe she would start with a nap.

Perhaps she’d have some good dreams this time. . .


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P.S. In order to enjoy the full progression of the writing, you may wish to start at the beginning of my ramblings.

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