Company Needs Misery

ramblings of a beast

The Dog (pt 4)

Posted on | May 1, 2010 | Comments Off

She’d been anxious quite honestly for a long time. Since the arrival of Doone, things had really hit an all time high. It was a different kind of anxiety and she wasn’t sure what exactly was going on. She fidgeted nervously as she glanced over at her SMTWTFS pill box, and wondered if its contents were no longer working properly. Maybe the time had come and she was finally losing it. Nothing would surprise her at this point. Perhaps she should do something to celebrate the occasion. A coming unglued party! She’d definitely need to dust.

Doone was making her uncomfortable. He’d agreed not to be in the same room when she was undressing. He also agreed he would stay out of her head for the most part, but that wasn’t always easy to do. Her mind wasn’t like everyone else’s. Sometimes he could read her like a book, and at other times he could barely make sense of what was going on in there because there was just so much. He was there to protect her, to help guide her, and to hopefully help her see in herself what she couldn’t or wouldn’t yet see.

She sat as quietly as she could, looking down at this beautiful dog. He was sleeping, she thought, and she just marvelled at how handsome he was for a traditionally scary breed of dog. She wanted to pet him, but that didn’t seem the kind of thing you did to a dog who spoke to you. She let out a sigh and startled as Doone jumped up onto her bed, lay neatly down at the foot, and closed his eyes once more. She took her evening medications and snuggled into her covers.

“Goodnight Doone” she said softly.

“Goodnight. You’re beautiful too by the way. . . “


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P.S. In order to enjoy the full progression of the writing, you may wish to start at the beginning of my ramblings.

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