Company Needs Misery

ramblings of a beast

The Dog (pt 12)

Posted on | May 11, 2010 | Comments Off

She spent most of the day doing nothing productive…staring out the window…reading a magazine…browsing online but not buying anything. Her head and neck were hurting and her heart was aching but there wasn’t much she could do about either having taken something for pain and finding it didn’t work anyway. The gloomy weather took its toll on her neck every time it arrived and she just had to deal with it.  (She just had to deal with a lot a things it seemed.)

Doone had obviously been taking care of himself though he must be crazed having to eat dog food. (She also imagined it smelled pretty bad down there because it always gave him gas.)  She did, however, wonder how he’d gone so long without going out, so she went downstairs to check on him.

“Need to go out boy?” she said with about as much enthusiasm as a houseplant.

“I took care of it myself” he said with a grin.

“Oh god, where did you pee, you didn’t pee in this house somewhere did you?”

“No, of course not, I let myself out” he snorted.

“How on earth did you do that?”

“I told you, I’m a very unusual dog. I almost made us lunch, but I wasn’t sure if you were up to eating anything.”

And with that she stared at him as if she had seen a ghost or just heard the most preposterous thing imaginable. She realized of course that anything is possible in her world, being as though she is a little nuts and she does have a talking rottweiler living with her, but this kind of took the cake.

“You almost made us lunch?” she said weakly, more as a statement than a question.

“Yes, I actually went to culinary school.”

And with that Doone went into the livingroom, lay down on his bed under the skylight and curled up for a nap. . .


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P.S. In order to enjoy the full progression of the writing, you may wish to start at the beginning of my ramblings.

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