Company Needs Misery

ramblings of a beast

Contemplation of what once was

Posted on | May 5, 2010 | Comments Off

She sat quietly locked in her room thinking about what once was. She was reminded of an instructor who said to never go into the past unless you were taking something good, otherwise it could cause you to become depressed. She was teetering on that borderline as she thought about her past career, the one that was taken from her too soon, when an injury took her out of the action. Her heart was still wanting to be there, and when a family emergency took her back to the scene of her training yesterday, she found herself both exhilarated and overcome with sadness.

She hadn’t yet explored all of her options, but her original dreams were laid to rest. New dreams had yet to fully form because she hadn’t gotten over the “feeling sorry for herself” phase. But yesterday she found that she could still be of some use. Now she just had to figure out what was most important to her. There was a lot to think over, other people to consider. One thing she did know is that she would not take the easy way out. She needed to make a decision and stick with it no matter how hard it would be to achieve. Life was short.

Happiness, she was learning, could be found in the strangest of places. And mirrors aren’t always hanging on walls. Sometimes, they are situations that let you see yourself for what you really are, especially when you don’t seem to be getting it on your own.


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