Company Needs Misery

ramblings of a beast

Waking from a nap…

Posted on | April 20, 2010 | Comments Off

Flower with BugShe never knew how she’d feel upon waking from an unexpected daytime nap. Sometimes she felt rejuvenated, and other times she felt as though she’d gone a round or two with a professional wrestler and lost.  She woke this time having obviously slept wrong on her ear, what she liked to call the “Van Gogh sign.” She would wake with a hauntingly weird outer ear pain, the kind of pain that would make you want to cut your ear off if it didn’t go away soon enough.  Luckily for her, it usually went away relatively quickly.

The sky today was an absolutely amazing shade of blue she thought, with white puffy clouds. (Yes, those same puffy clouds that reminded her of her brother Josh snowboarding)  The bright blue, the brilliant green, the crisp white all painted the most beautiful painting outside her window she could hardly take her eyes from it.  As birds sang and squirrels stormed by (my they were fast) she knew spring was in full bloom and she was absolutely hiding inside from life after waiting all winter for it to come.

Why is it she knew exactly what she wanted to do, but she couldn’t will herself to get up and do it? What a beautiful day it was to take her camera with her for a walk. What good a walk would do her. What marvelous things she would see and stories she could tell. But she trapped herself inside. The monsters kept her feeling as if she must stay put.

She looked out at the blooming flowers and wanted to get closer than just a window’s distance. She wanted to take photos and share the beautiful pink almost the same as her toes…but she couldn’t get herself to step outside…and she had things to do. Oh she had things she MUST do.  Perhaps a pill to slay the monsters…though she wasn’t really into harming anyone.  Just to tame them a bit would be nice…just to get a few things done…just to see the flowers…


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