Company Needs Misery

ramblings of a beast

It’s time to play the music…

Posted on | April 4, 2010 | Comments Off

So she knew she was in trouble when she started her “Defraggler” and then began singing the theme to the Muppet Show. She hoped that she wasn’t the only one in the world who had done this very thing…perhaps she wasn’t even the only one doing it at that time. Ok, so she probably was. What bothered her more was that she could remember the lyrics to the entire opening of the show, but could barely remember her own name or find the right word sometimes.  Oh but this medicine is supposed to help!!!!  [Upon viewing this paragraph, she probably should have been singing the theme from Fraggle Rock, but what do I know?]  …..  It’s time to light the lights  …..

She kept herself busy but never really got anything done. She did seem a bit less ZombieGirlish so that was good. She had things to do, (things to put off) places to go (places to put off going) people to see (people to put off seeing) and she needed to be fresh and ready for the day!!!  Well, Happy Easter and she didn’t even have any chocolate eggs. That’s just wrong. But not worth getting up for.

Ah tomorrow…tomorrow would be a Monday…a perfect day to start a new beginning (cough choke gag) and start her new adventure, whatever that may be.  Maybe she’d begin one of the many projects she bought supplies for. Heaven knows there were plenty of supplies. But she had to be in just the perfectly perfect perfect perfect mood (did I say perfect?) to get going with her “hands on” creative inspiration. She did wish she had some clay.  This would be a lovely time for clay. Perhaps baking sugar cookies would have to do.

Suddenly the Mr Roger’s theme song came to her head and she knew she was in even bigger trouble but it was much too warm for a cardigan.

Oh my dear friends, if you are reading, I have not lost it, but I do hope I have brought a smile.  That is something I do think I might be good at from time to time. And if I have lost it, please remember that calling cards are welcome gifts in the psych ward.  Thank you.

[Download The Muppet Show Theme Song Here!]


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P.S. In order to enjoy the full progression of the writing, you may wish to start at the beginning of my ramblings.

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