Company Needs Misery

ramblings of a beast

Right on the tip of her tongue…

Posted on | March 27, 2010 | Comments Off

She was frustrated. Extremely frustrated. She had the most amazing thoughts in her head, ideas for characters and stories and places to visit, but somewhere between her brain and her fingertips there was a block.  Her mind was most prolific, of course, as she lay down to rest…when sleep would consume her and she’d have no chance of recording her most wonderful drifting visions.  She’d finished reading another book today so she at least felt like she accomplished something.  Her goal was to be either reading or writing for at least several hours a day. 

She was not eating and in turn losing weight and moodier than usual.  (If that could even be possible.)  She did, however, still smile when she looked out at the beginnings of new life in the deadness outside her window.  How excited she would be when green leaves were abundant and the only thing grey and gloomy was her wardrobe.

Perhaps tomorrow she would try something new. Perhaps tomorrow she would leave her cave and seek a story outside her usual boundaries. She needed to start making changes, because soon, everything would be out of her control.


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P.S. In order to enjoy the full progression of the writing, you may wish to start at the beginning of my ramblings.

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